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Where have all the Manners gone?

Everyday I notice more and more, how people do not have manners and to be honest it really baffles me. I am all for the more technology the better, but when you have people, including your friends, call you on purpose when they know you are not home at that time, or e-mail you instead of ever calling, I think it is a problem. I love having a cell phone, just as much as anyone else, however I do believe there is a time and place to use it. I don't think when you are in line at the grocery store, right in front of the cashier and you never get off the phone while the cashier is ringing you up, you are rude and your phone should be confiscated. I also think why you are shopping in a store, that you should not be carrying on a cell phone conversations, as if you were the only person in the store, I do not really care about where you are meeting your friends, and what kind of shoes you are going to wear.

When I am driving, I try to be courteous to those around me, I frequently will let someone out in front of me, but I can't tell you how frustrated I become when I have gone out of my way to let you in front of me, and then you don't have the decency to give a quick wave of thanks.....and I hate to say this ladies, you are the biggest culprit of this. If you are driving, on a two lane highway, but have decided for whatever reason, you are going to remain in the left lane, but are not even doing the speed limit, let me give you a hint, when at least 3 cars have to move around you in the right lane to get past you, you do not belong in the left lane, please move over immediately.

Manners in the workplace, I don't even know where to begin. Where I work we sit in cubicles, so there are certain things that are just plain disgusting. If you cannot stop burping all day long, you have a problem and should go to a doctor. When you are getting on an elevator, common courtesy, not too mention common sense should tell you to let the people get off first before you try to run them over to get on. I am happy that some people enjoy music, I however do not appreciate when co-workers listen to their crappy music too loud, and even worse when they decide to sing to the music and bop their heads. If you receive a funny e-mail, I am happy for you, but laughing out loud at an e-mail is just plain rude not to mention annoying.

This goes hand in hand with manners, customer service. If I am ready to purchase something, I expect you to greet me, stop talking to your co-workers, ring me up and oh yes, possibly say thank you when I am done. How hard is this, I can't tell you how many times, cashiers do not even bother to greet you when you are paying.

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